Privacy Policy

February 2024

In application of the provisions of the General European Data Protection Regulation of April 2016 (RGPD), Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD), and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we inform you that Associação Ius Omnibus, owner of this website (hereinafter Ius Omnibus), maintains a commitment to rigorous compliance with current legislation on the processing of personal data and information security in order to guarantee its users that the collection and processing of the data provided is carried out with full security guarantees. Before contacting Ius Omnibus and providing any personal data, you must read this "Privacy Policy" and accept it by checking the box established in the respective Ius Omnibus registration forms or through the equivalent procedure established, if applicable.

Our Privacy Policy affects both the personal information you provide us, as well as all the data you provide us when accessing any of the services available on the web.


Ius Omnibus, as the owner of the domain, informs the users of its website about its Personal Data Protection Policy so that they can determine freely and voluntarily if they wish to provide Ius Omnibus with the personal data that may be required or that may be obtain on the occasion of the services and functionalities that we make available to you.

  1. How do we obtain your personal data?

    We collect your personal data on different occasions:

    Via the forms in the individual case pages and/or the "Contact" page

    Through the sending of newsletter by email.

  2. What information can we obtain about you through the aforementioned Sections and Forms?
    (Right to information)

    The following personal data will be requested: Name and Email in the "Contact" section, in order to contact you and respond to any doubts, questions and/or suggestions that you may have, by email.

    Personal data will be collected: Name, Email and Telephone in the individual case pages, in order to incorporate it into the contact list of the web so that you receive our Newsletter with news from the case, as well as publications of our services and other activities developed by Ius Omnibus, when they are transmitted periodically and automatically via email.

    So that the information we collect is always up-to-date and does not contain errors, we ask our clients to notify us, as soon as possible, of the modifications and rectifications of their personal data.

  3. How do you give us your consent for data processing?

    It will be understood that the user accepts the conditions established in this "Privacy Policy" and grants his express, unequivocal and informed consent to the processing of his personal data by the owner of the website in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, if he presses the "SEND" or "REGISTER" button found in the data input forms. All personal data detailed in section II, as well as any other data provided by users that may be obtained by completing the forms hosted on the Ius Omnibus website, will be processed by Ius Omnibus, which consists of in its corresponding activity record, who will be responsible for and recipient of the information.

    The personal data collected from our users is stored by Ius Omnibus, who guarantees the appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent the integrity and security of the personal information provided. The data collected is adequate, pertinent and not excessive in relation to the scope, purposes and specific, explicit and legitimate services detailed in this privacy policy and collected on the website

  4. How do we keep your data protected?

    To ensure protection and maintain the security, integrity and availability of your data, we use various security measures. Although in data transmissions over the Internet or from a website it is not possible to guarantee absolute protection against intrusions, both we and our subcontractors make every effort to maintain physical, electronic and procedural protection measures with which to guarantee protection. of your data in accordance with the applicable legal requirements in this matter. The measures we use include:

    - limit access to your data only to those people who need to know it in view of the tasks they perform;

    - as a general rule transfer the collected data in encrypted format;

    - install perimeter protection systems for computer infrastructures ("firewalls") to prevent unauthorized access, for example "hackers", and

    - regularly monitor access to computer systems to detect and stop any improper use of personal data.

    In those cases in which we have provided you (or you have chosen) a password that allows you to access certain parts of our website or any other portal, application or service under our control, you are responsible for keeping it secret and for complying with all other security procedures that we notify you of. You will not be able to share your password with anyone.

  5. For how long do we keep your data?

    Your personal data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. If your data is used for several purposes that require us to retain it for different periods of time, we will apply the longest retention period.

    In any case, we limit access to your data to only those people who need to use it to perform their duties.

    Our data retention periods are based on business needs, so in relation to personal data that is no longer necessary, either access to it will be limited to compliance with strictly legal obligations or it will be securely destroyed.

    Purposes related to the execution of a contract: with regard to the use of your information for the management of any contractual obligation that we have with you, we will keep this data during the period of validity of the contract and during the following ten years, in the latter period of time, said data will remain blocked, and can only be used to attend to possible queries or subsequent claims.

    Purposes related to compliance with legal and regulatory obligations: certain information must be kept during the periods required by the specific regulations that result from application (fiscal, commercial, money laundering, etc.). During this period of time, said data will remain blocked, and may only be used in order to attend to possible queries or subsequent claims.

    Ius Omnibus does not transfer your data to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation, nor does it make an international transfer of the same.

  6. Privacy Control

    The user will have control over their data and will be able to access and change them at any time. In the same way, you can request the cancellation of the use of your personal data in the following email:

    Once the relationship with Ius Omnibus ends, that is, when the user unsubscribes from the service, all their personal data will be automatically deleted, which will remain blocked in order to comply with legal obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Section V

  7. How can you exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, data portability and opposition to the processing of Personal Data?

    Users of the Ius Omnibus website may exercise the previously detailed rights recognized by the GDPR at any time and free of charge by means of a communication addressed to Ius Omnibus, with address at Avenida 24 de Julho - Second Home Lisboa Mercado da Ribeira, 1200-479 Lisbon Portugal; or by email:, Reference: Protection of Personal Data. Likewise, we remind you of the possibility of filing a claim with the Portuguese Data Protection Commission for the processing of your personal data by Ius Omnibus.

    Ius Omnibus will not use personal data for a purpose other than that expressed in Section II, and will keep the information provided as confidential. Likewise, in compliance with the provisions of the CNPD - Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados, in the event of sending commercial communications via email, Ius Omnibus will include an email address ( where users can exercise their rights of access, limitation, rectification at any time. or opposition, to unsubscribe at any time, and consequently not receive any type of information or communication.

    Ius Omnibus is concerned with guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of your data. For this reason, we inform you that we have implemented technical and organizational measures in accordance with the "Principle of integrity and confidentiality" provided for in article 5.1.f) and the provisions of article 32 of the GDPR, which guarantee adequate security of data. personal data including protection against unauthorized or illegal treatment, and/or to prevent its alteration, loss, destruction or accidental damage, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or from the physical or natural environment.

    We remind you that you have the right to request:

    - more details about our use of your information,

    - a copy of the information you have provided to us,

    - correct inaccuracies in the information we maintain,

    - delete information for which we no longer have a legal basis to use,

    - revoke your consent for the processing of your data for these purposes, in cases where the processing of the data is conditional on consent, as well as for any direct marketing communication,

    - object to any processing of your data - including profiling - that takes legitimate interest as a legal basis, unless our reasons for carrying out such processing outweigh any possible prejudice to your data protection rights,

    - restrict the way we use your data while a claim is being investigated.

    The exercise by you of these rights is subject to certain exceptions for reasons of general interest (for example, the prevention or detection of crimes) and for our own interests (for example, the maintenance of the confidentiality of legal advice). If you exercise any of these rights, we will verify that you are really empowered to do so, we will respond to you within one month or within the maximum period provided for in Portuguese regulations, if this is less.

    If you are not satisfied with the way in which we use your information or with our response to the exercise of any of these rights, you can file a claim with the Portuguese Data Protection Commission (

  8. Legal Bases for the Processing of Personal Data

    The use of your data in the conditions described above is permitted by the European and Portuguese data protection regulations in accordance with the following legal bases:

    - You have expressed your consent (you have been presented with a consent form to authorize the processing of your data for certain purposes; you can revoke the consent given at any time);

    - The processing of your data is necessary for the management and maintenance of the relationship with Ius Omnibus;

    - The processing of your data is necessary to comply with our legal obligations;

    - We use your data to achieve a legitimate interest and our reasons for doing so outweigh the possible damage to your rights to the protection of your data;

    There may be purposes that are permitted under other legal bases; in such cases, we will do our best to identify the legal basis in question and communicate it to you as soon as we become aware of its existence.

  9. Use of Cookies

    A cookie is a text file that a web server can save to a computer's hard drive to store information about the user, and can only be read by the website that sent it to the computer. As well as any data storage and retrieval device in the terminal equipment of the recipients. The web portal uses cookies to access information related to the users of the website, whose details and information on the use of cookies, in a clear and complete manner, are developed in our "Cookies Policy".

  10. Links

    This privacy policy is only applicable to the website ( Access through links to this site is not guaranteed, nor is it guaranteed for links from this site to other websites.

  11. Modification

    Ius Omnibus may modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence as well as future good practices. In such cases, Ius Omnibus will announce on this page the changes introduced with reasonable anticipation of their implementation, and will inform users of any updates or modifications to this privacy policy.