About Us

Learn more about Ius Omnibus and their mission in the collective pursuit of justice, as they make a stand against unfair practices.

Your Representative

Established in 2020 under Portuguese law, Ius Omnibus is a non-profit consumer protection association. Managing over 40 ongoing actions in Portugal, their mission is to protect the rights and interests of consumers, including citizens of European Union Member States and those from third States residing in the European Union. The Association aims to protect rights conferred to consumers by the laws of the European Union and its Member States, including those arising from: Consumer Law, General Contractual Terms, Advertising Law, Competition Law, Law of Unfair Commercial Practices, Regulatory Law, Environmental Law and Personal Data Privacy Law.

Ius primarily focuses on safeguarding these rights and interests by initiating representative actions, restoring legality, and seeking fair compensation for consumers affected by the unlawful actions of companies.

Ius believes that everyone has the right to be treated fairly by businesses. When companies break the law or engage in unfair practices, they should be held accountable. Representative actions are a powerful tool that can help consumers get justice and recover the damages they deserve.

Explore additional details about Ius Omnibus and their ongoing cases on their website here.


Join us in seeking justice and holding the banking cartel to account for their actions.